#bash -c 'proxybroker --timeout 5 find --types HTTP HTTPS --lvl High --countries GB ES DE IT FR SW US RU --strict -l 25 --format json --outfile proxies.txt' #sleep 5 # proxy=$(python choose_proxy.py proxies.txt) #--proxy-server=socks5:// # DISPLAY=:1 all_proxy=true /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --user-data-dir='./chrome-profile' --no-first-run --proxy-server=http://$proxy & import sys import json import random import requests if len(sys.argv) > 2: print("Too many arguments, only the file listing the proxies is needed", file=sys.stderr) elif len(sys.argv) < 1: print("Please input the json file containing the proxy list", file=sys.stderr) else: file = open(sys.argv[1]) string = "" for line in file.readlines(): string += line json_file = json.loads(string) proxies = [] for i in json_file: proxies.append(str(i['host']) + ":" + str(i['port'])) proxy_found = False while proxy_found is False: PROXY = proxies[random.randint(0,len(proxies)-1)] # print("\nTrying to use {} as proxy".format(PROXY)) try: r = requests.get('https://google.com', proxies={'https': 'http://{}'.format(PROXY), 'http': 'http://{}'.format(PROXY)}, timeout=3) if r.status_code == 200: # print('\n[+] IP Address used as proxy: ' + PROXY) proxy_found = True else: # print('\nProxy is present but returned status code ' + str(r.status_code)) proxies.remove(PROXY) except Exception as e: # print('Failed with an exception: \n' + str(e)) proxies.remove(PROXY) print(PROXY, file=sys.stdout)