#include "motors_movement/drivecontroller.h" #include "sensors/sensors.h" #include "behaviour_control/status_vector.h" #include "vars.h" DriveController::DriveController(Motor* m1_, Motor* m2_, Motor* m3_, Motor* m4_){ m1 = m1_; m2 = m2_; m3 = m3_; m4 = m4_; pDir = 0; pSpeed = 0; pTilt = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; speed1 = 0; speed2 = 0; speed3 = 0; speed4 = 0; delta = 0; input = 0; output = 0; setpoint = 0; pid = new PID(&input, &output, &setpoint, KP, KI, KD, 1,DIRECT); pid->SetSampleTime(1.5); pid->setAngleWrap(true); pid->SetDerivativeLag(2); pid->SetOutputLimits(-255,255); pid->SetMode(AUTOMATIC); // Complementary filter for speed speedFilter = new ComplementaryFilter(0.3); canUnlock = true; unlockTime = 0; vxp = 0; vxn = 0; vyp = 0; vyn = 0; } void DriveController::prepareDrive(int dir, int speed, int tilt){ pDir = dir; pSpeed = speed; pTilt = tilt; } void DriveController::drivePrepared(){ drive(pDir, pSpeed, pTilt); } float DriveController::torad(float f){ return (f * PI / 180.0); } void DriveController::drive(int dir, int speed, int tilt){ speed = speedFilter->calculate(speed)*GLOBAL_SPD_MULT; tilt = tilt > 180 ? tilt - 360 : tilt; //TODO: Changing CURRENT_DATA_READ to CURRENT_DATA_WRITE? // Disable vector sum because calculations are a bitty crappy imho. Will have to test if it's what makes the robot act strange with lines // Re enabling the below lines requires to comment out drive->prepareDrive and uncommenting the lines relative to vector sum inside positionsys_camera and comment out the other lines here // vx = ((speed * cosins[dir])) + CURRENT_DATA_READ.addvx; // vy = ((-speed * sins[dir])) + CURRENT_DATA_READ.addvy; vx = ((speed * cosins[dir])); vy = ((-speed * sins[dir])); if((((vy < 0 && vxn == 1) || (vy > 0 && vxp == 1) || (vx < 0 && vyp == 1) || (vx > 0 && vyn == 1)) && canUnlock) || (millis() > this->unlockTime+UNLOCK_THRESH)) { vxn = 0; vxp = 0; vyp = 0; vyn = 0; } if((vy > 0 && vxn == 1) || (vy < 0 && vxp == 1)) vy = 0; if((vx > 0 && vyp == 1) || (vx < 0 && vyn == 1)) vx = 0; speed1 = ((vx * sins[m1->angle] ) + (vy * cosins[m1->angle] )); speed2 = ((vx * sins[m2->angle]) + (vy * cosins[m2->angle])); speed3 = ((vx * sins[m3->angle]) + (vy * cosins[m3->angle])); speed4 = ((vx * sins[m4->angle]) + (vy * cosins[m4->angle])); // Calculate position error relative to the 0 delta = CURRENT_DATA_READ.IMUAngle; if(delta > 180) delta = delta - 360; input = delta; setpoint = tilt; pid->Compute(); pidfactor = -output; speed1 += pidfactor; speed2 += pidfactor; speed3 += pidfactor; speed4 += pidfactor; speed1 = constrain(speed1, -255, 255); speed2 = constrain(speed2, -255, 255); speed3 = constrain(speed3, -255, 255); speed4 = constrain(speed4, -255, 255); m1->drive((int) speed1); m2->drive((int) speed2); m3->drive((int) speed3); m4->drive((int) speed4); oldSpeed = speed; CURRENT_DATA_WRITE.dir = dir; CURRENT_DATA_WRITE.speed = speed; CURRENT_DATA_WRITE.tilt = tilt; CURRENT_DATA_WRITE.axisBlock[0] = vxp; CURRENT_DATA_WRITE.axisBlock[1] = vxn; CURRENT_DATA_WRITE.axisBlock[2] = vyp; CURRENT_DATA_WRITE.axisBlock[3] = vyn; }