 * Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) - Library

#include "ESC.h"

// < Constructor >
 * Sets the proper pin to output.
ESC::ESC(byte ESC_pin, int outputMin, int outputMax, int armVal)
	oPin = ESC_pin;
	oMin = outputMin;
	oMax = outputMax;
	oArm = armVal;

// < Destructor >
	// Nothing to destruct

 * Calibrate the maximum and minimum PWM signal the ESC is expecting
 * depends on the outputMin, outputMax values from the constructor
void ESC::calib(void)
	myESC.attach(oPin);  			// attaches the ESC on pin oPin to the ESC object

 * Sent a signal to Arm the ESC
 * depends on the Arming value from the constructor
void ESC::arm(void)
	myESC.attach(oPin);  			// attaches the ESC on pin oPin to the ESC object
	myESC.writeMicroseconds (oArm);

 * Sent a signal to stop the ESC
 * depends on the ESC stop pulse value
void ESC::stop(void)
	myESC.writeMicroseconds (stopPulse);

 * Sent a signal to set the ESC speed
 * depends on the calibration minimum and maximum values
void ESC::speed(int outputESC)
	oESC = constrain(outputESC, oMin, oMax);

 * Set the current calibration delay in miliseconds
void ESC::setCalibrationDelay(uint32_t calibration_delay)
	calibrationDelay = calibration_delay;

 * Set the current Stop pulse in microseconds
void ESC::setStopPulse(uint32_t stop_pulse)
	stopPulse = stop_pulse;