function plot_error(t,ref,x) hold on ex = ref(:, 1) - x(:, 1); ey = ref(:, 2) - x(:, 2); error_norm = sqrt(ex.*ex + ey.*ey); plot(t, error_norm, 'Linewidth', 5, 'DisplayName', 'norm of error'); avg = ones(1, length(error_norm)) * error_norm / length(error_norm); plot(t, avg*ones(1, length(error_norm)), 'DisplayName', 'average error', 'LineWidth', 3); Axes = gca; Axes.FontSize=18; Axes.FontWeight='bold'; Axes.PlotBoxAspectRatio = [1 1 1]; grid minor; legend('FontSize', 12, 'Location', 'northeast', 'AutoUpdate','off') xlabel("\textbf{t [s]}", FontSize=18, Interpreter="latex") ylabel("\textbf{norm of error [m]}", FontSize=18, Interpreter="latex") hold off end