firmware using madgwick filter

EmaMaker 2024-01-03 21:44:34 +01:00
parent db359fd230
commit d23cc7d750
5 changed files with 656 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
// Madgwick.c
// Implementation of Madgwick's IMU and AHRS algorithms.
// See:
// From the x-io website "Open-source resources available on this website are
// provided under the GNU General Public Licence unless an alternative licence
// is provided in source."
// Date Author Notes
// 29/09/2011 SOH Madgwick Initial release
// 02/10/2011 SOH Madgwick Optimised for reduced CPU load
// 19/02/2012 SOH Madgwick Magnetometer measurement is normalised
// Header files
#include "Madgwick.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
// Definitions
#define sampleFreqDef 512.0f // sample frequency in Hz
// Functions
// AHRS algorithm update
Madgwick::Madgwick() {
q0 = 1.0f;
q1 = 0.0f;
q2 = 0.0f;
q3 = 0.0f;
now = micros();
void Madgwick::update(float gx, float gy, float gz, float ax, float ay, float az, float mx, float my, float mz) {
float recipNorm;
float s0, s1, s2, s3;
float qDot1, qDot2, qDot3, qDot4;
float hx, hy;
float _2q0mx, _2q0my, _2q0mz, _2q1mx, _2bx, _2bz, _4bx, _4bz, _2q0, _2q1, _2q2, _2q3, _2q0q2, _2q2q3, q0q0, q0q1, q0q2, q0q3, q1q1, q1q2, q1q3, q2q2, q2q3, q3q3;
// Use IMU algorithm if magnetometer measurement invalid (avoids NaN in magnetometer normalisation)
if((mx == 0.0f) && (my == 0.0f) && (mz == 0.0f)) {
updateIMU(gx, gy, gz, ax, ay, az);
now = micros();
// Set integration time by time elapsed since last filter update
delta_t = ((now - last_update) / (float)1000000.0f);
last_update = now;
// Convert gyroscope degrees/sec to radians/sec
gx *= (float)0.0174533f;
gy *= (float)0.0174533f;
gz *= (float)0.0174533f;
// Rate of change of quaternion from gyroscope
qDot1 = (float)0.5f * (-q1 * gx - q2 * gy - q3 * gz);
qDot2 = (float)0.5f * (q0 * gx + q2 * gz - q3 * gy);
qDot3 = (float)0.5f * (q0 * gy - q1 * gz + q3 * gx);
qDot4 = (float)0.5f * (q0 * gz + q1 * gy - q2 * gx);
// Compute feedback only if accelerometer measurement valid (avoids NaN in accelerometer normalisation)
if(!((ax == (float)0.0f) && (ay == (float)0.0f) && (az == (float)0.0f))) {
// Normalise accelerometer measurement
recipNorm = invSqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay + az * az);
ax *= recipNorm;
ay *= recipNorm;
az *= recipNorm;
// Normalise magnetometer measurement
recipNorm = invSqrt(mx * mx + my * my + mz * mz);
mx *= recipNorm;
my *= recipNorm;
mz *= recipNorm;
// Auxiliary variables to avoid repeated arithmetic
_2q0mx = (float)2.0f * q0 * mx;
_2q0my = (float)2.0f * q0 * my;
_2q0mz = (float)2.0f * q0 * mz;
_2q1mx = (float)2.0f * q1 * mx;
_2q0 = (float)2.0f * q0;
_2q1 = (float)2.0f * q1;
_2q2 = (float)2.0f * q2;
_2q3 = (float)2.0f * q3;
_2q0q2 = (float)2.0f * q0 * q2;
_2q2q3 = (float)2.0f * q2 * q3;
q0q0 = q0 * q0;
q0q1 = q0 * q1;
q0q2 = q0 * q2;
q0q3 = q0 * q3;
q1q1 = q1 * q1;
q1q2 = q1 * q2;
q1q3 = q1 * q3;
q2q2 = q2 * q2;
q2q3 = q2 * q3;
q3q3 = q3 * q3;
// Reference direction of Earth's magnetic field
hx = mx * q0q0 - _2q0my * q3 + _2q0mz * q2 + mx * q1q1 + _2q1 * my * q2 + _2q1 * mz * q3 - mx * q2q2 - mx * q3q3;
hy = _2q0mx * q3 + my * q0q0 - _2q0mz * q1 + _2q1mx * q2 - my * q1q1 + my * q2q2 + _2q2 * mz * q3 - my * q3q3;
_2bx = sqrtf(hx * hx + hy * hy);
_2bz = -_2q0mx * q2 + _2q0my * q1 + mz * q0q0 + _2q1mx * q3 - mz * q1q1 + _2q2 * my * q3 - mz * q2q2 + mz * q3q3;
_4bx = (float)2.0f * _2bx;
_4bz = (float)2.0f * _2bz;
// Gradient decent algorithm corrective step
s0 = -_2q2 * ((float)2.0f * q1q3 - _2q0q2 - ax) + _2q1 * ((float)2.0f * q0q1 + _2q2q3 - ay) - _2bz * q2 * (_2bx * ((float)0.5f - q2q2 - q3q3) + _2bz * (q1q3 - q0q2) - mx) + (-_2bx * q3 + _2bz * q1) * (_2bx * (q1q2 - q0q3) + _2bz * (q0q1 + q2q3) - my) + _2bx * q2 * (_2bx * (q0q2 + q1q3) + _2bz * ((float)0.5f - q1q1 - q2q2) - mz);
s1 = _2q3 * ((float)2.0f * q1q3 - _2q0q2 - ax) + _2q0 * ((float)2.0f * q0q1 + _2q2q3 - ay) - (float)4.0f * q1 * (1 - (float)2.0f * q1q1 - (float)2.0f * q2q2 - az) + _2bz * q3 * (_2bx * ((float)0.5f - q2q2 - q3q3) + _2bz * (q1q3 - q0q2) - mx) + (_2bx * q2 + _2bz * q0) * (_2bx * (q1q2 - q0q3) + _2bz * (q0q1 + q2q3) - my) + (_2bx * q3 - _4bz * q1) * (_2bx * (q0q2 + q1q3) + _2bz * ((float)0.5f - q1q1 - q2q2) - mz);
s2 = -_2q0 * ((float)2.0f * q1q3 - _2q0q2 - ax) + _2q3 * ((float)2.0f * q0q1 + _2q2q3 - ay) - (float)4.0f * q2 * (1 - (float)2.0f * q1q1 - (float)2.0f * q2q2 - az) + (-_4bx * q2 - _2bz * q0) * (_2bx * ((float)0.5f - q2q2 - q3q3) + _2bz * (q1q3 - q0q2) - mx) + (_2bx * q1 + _2bz * q3) * (_2bx * (q1q2 - q0q3) + _2bz * (q0q1 + q2q3) - my) + (_2bx * q0 - _4bz * q2) * (_2bx * (q0q2 + q1q3) + _2bz * ((float)0.5f - q1q1 - q2q2) - mz);
s3 = _2q1 * ((float)2.0f * q1q3 - _2q0q2 - ax) + _2q2 * ((float)2.0f * q0q1 + _2q2q3 - ay) + (-_4bx * q3 + _2bz * q1) * (_2bx * ((float)0.5f - q2q2 - q3q3) + _2bz * (q1q3 - q0q2) - mx) + (-_2bx * q0 + _2bz * q2) * (_2bx * (q1q2 - q0q3) + _2bz * (q0q1 + q2q3) - my) + _2bx * q1 * (_2bx * (q0q2 + q1q3) + _2bz * ((float)0.5f - q1q1 - q2q2) - mz);
recipNorm = invSqrt(s0 * s0 + s1 * s1 + s2 * s2 + s3 * s3); // normalise step magnitude
s0 *= recipNorm;
s1 *= recipNorm;
s2 *= recipNorm;
s3 *= recipNorm;
// Apply feedback step
qDot1 -= beta * s0;
qDot2 -= beta * s1;
qDot3 -= beta * s2;
qDot4 -= beta * s3;
// Integrate rate of change of quaternion to yield quaternion
q0 += qDot1 * delta_t;
q1 += qDot2 * delta_t;
q2 += qDot3 * delta_t;
q3 += qDot4 * delta_t;
// Normalise quaternion
recipNorm = invSqrt(q0 * q0 + q1 * q1 + q2 * q2 + q3 * q3);
q0 *= recipNorm;
q1 *= recipNorm;
q2 *= recipNorm;
q3 *= recipNorm;
// IMU algorithm update
void Madgwick::updateIMU(float gx, float gy, float gz, float ax, float ay, float az) {
float recipNorm;
float s0, s1, s2, s3;
float qDot1, qDot2, qDot3, qDot4;
float _2q0, _2q1, _2q2, _2q3, _4q0, _4q1, _4q2 ,_8q1, _8q2, q0q0, q1q1, q2q2, q3q3;
// Convert gyroscope degrees/sec to radians/sec
gx *= (float)0.0174533f;
gy *= (float)0.0174533f;
gz *= (float)0.0174533f;
now = micros();
// Set integration time by time elapsed since last filter update
delta_t = ((now - last_update) / (float)1000000.0f);
last_update = now;
// Rate of change of quaternion from gyroscope
qDot1 = (float)0.5f * (-q1 * gx - q2 * gy - q3 * gz);
qDot2 = (float)0.5f * (q0 * gx + q2 * gz - q3 * gy);
qDot3 = (float)0.5f * (q0 * gy - q1 * gz + q3 * gx);
qDot4 = (float)0.5f * (q0 * gz + q1 * gy - q2 * gx);
// Compute feedback only if accelerometer measurement valid (avoids NaN in accelerometer normalisation)
if(!((ax == 0.0f) && (ay == 0.0f) && (az == 0.0f))) {
// Normalise accelerometer measurement
recipNorm = invSqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay + az * az);
ax *= recipNorm;
ay *= recipNorm;
az *= recipNorm;
// Auxiliary variables to avoid repeated arithmetic
_2q0 = (float)2.0f * q0;
_2q1 = (float)2.0f * q1;
_2q2 = (float)2.0f * q2;
_2q3 = (float)2.0f * q3;
_4q0 = (float)4.0f * q0;
_4q1 = (float)4.0f * q1;
_4q2 = (float)4.0f * q2;
_8q1 = (float)8.0f * q1;
_8q2 = (float)8.0f * q2;
q0q0 = q0 * q0;
q1q1 = q1 * q1;
q2q2 = q2 * q2;
q3q3 = q3 * q3;
// Gradient decent algorithm corrective step
s0 = _4q0 * q2q2 + _2q2 * ax + _4q0 * q1q1 - _2q1 * ay;
s1 = _4q1 * q3q3 - _2q3 * ax + 4.0f * q0q0 * q1 - _2q0 * ay - _4q1 + _8q1 * q1q1 + _8q1 * q2q2 + _4q1 * az;
s2 = (float)4.0f * q0q0 * q2 + _2q0 * ax + _4q2 * q3q3 - _2q3 * ay - _4q2 + _8q2 * q1q1 + _8q2 * q2q2 + _4q2 * az;
s3 = (float)4.0f * q1q1 * q3 - _2q1 * ax + 4.0f * q2q2 * q3 - _2q2 * ay;
recipNorm = invSqrt(s0 * s0 + s1 * s1 + s2 * s2 + s3 * s3); // normalise step magnitude
s0 *= recipNorm;
s1 *= recipNorm;
s2 *= recipNorm;
s3 *= recipNorm;
// Apply feedback step
qDot1 -= beta * s0;
qDot2 -= beta * s1;
qDot3 -= beta * s2;
qDot4 -= beta * s3;
// Integrate rate of change of quaternion to yield quaternion
q0 += qDot1 * delta_t;
q1 += qDot2 * delta_t;
q2 += qDot3 * delta_t;
q3 += qDot4 * delta_t;
// Normalise quaternion
recipNorm = invSqrt(q0 * q0 + q1 * q1 + q2 * q2 + q3 * q3);
q0 *= recipNorm;
q1 *= recipNorm;
q2 *= recipNorm;
q3 *= recipNorm;
// Fast inverse square-root
// See:
float Madgwick::invSqrt(float x) {
float halfx = 0.5f * x;
float y = x;
long i = *(long*)&y;
i = 0x5f3759df - (i>>1);
y = *(float*)&i;
y = y * (1.5f - (halfx * y * y));
y = y * (1.5f - (halfx * y * y));
return y;

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
// Madgwick.h
// Implementation of Madgwick's IMU and AHRS algorithms.
// See:
// From the x-io website "Open-source resources available on this website are
// provided under the GNU General Public Licence unless an alternative licence
// is provided in source."
// Date Author Notes
// 29/09/2011 SOH Madgwick Initial release
// 02/10/2011 SOH Madgwick Optimised for reduced CPU load
#ifndef __Madgwick_h__
#define __Madgwick_h__
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// Variable declaration
class Madgwick {
float delta_t = 0; // Used to control display output rate
uint32_t now = 0; // used to calculate integration interval
uint32_t last_update = 0; // used to calculate integration interval
static float invSqrt(float x);
float beta; // algorithm gain
float q0;
float q1;
float q2;
float q3; // quaternion of sensor frame relative to auxiliary frame
// Function declarations
void changeBeta(float newBeta) { beta = newBeta; }
void begin(float confBeta) { beta = confBeta; }
void update(float gx, float gy, float gz, float ax, float ay, float az, float mx, float my, float mz);
void updateIMU(float gx, float gy, float gz, float ax, float ay, float az);
float getQuatW() {
return q0;
float getQuatX() {
return q1;
float getQuatY() {
return q2;
float getQuatZ() {
return q3;

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@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
#include "FastIMU.h"
#include "Madgwick.h"
#include <Wire.h>
//#define PRINT_ANGLES
//#define PRINT_QUAT
//#define PERFORM_CALIBRATION //Comment to disable startup calibration
#define IMU_ADDRESS 0x68 //Change to the address of the IMU
MPU6050 IMU; //Change to the name of any supported IMU!
AccelData IMUAccel; //Sensor data
GyroData IMUGyro;
Madgwick filter;
void setup_imu(){
Wire.setClock(400000); //400khz clock
calData calib;
calib.gyroBias[0] = -2.89;
calib.gyroBias[1] = -3.59;
calib.gyroBias[2] = -0.66;
int err = IMU.init(calib, IMU_ADDRESS);
if (err != 0) {
Serial.print("Error initializing IMU: ");
while (true) {
if (err != 0) {
Serial.print("Error Setting range: ");
while (true) {
Serial.println("Keep IMU level.");
Serial.println("Calibration done!");
Serial.println("Accel biases X/Y/Z: ");
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.println("Gyro biases X/Y/Z: ");
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print(", ");
IMU.init(calib, IMU_ADDRESS);
Serial.println("IMU up");
void update_imu(){
// MPU6050 has no magnetometer
filter.updateIMU(IMUGyro.gyroX, IMUGyro.gyroY, IMUGyro.gyroZ, IMUAccel.accelX, IMUAccel.accelY, IMUAccel.accelZ);
float qw = filter.getQuatW();
float qx = filter.getQuatX();
float qy = filter.getQuatY();
float qz = filter.getQuatZ();
double heading{0}, bank{0}, attitude{0};
double sqw = qw*qw;
double sqx = qx*qx;
double sqy = qy*qy;
double sqz = qz*qz;
double unit = sqx + sqy + sqz + sqw; // if normalised is one, otherwise is correction factor
double test = qx*qy + qz*qw;
if (test > 0.499*unit) { // singularity at north pole
heading = 2 * atan2(qx,qw);
attitude = M_PI/2;
bank = 0;
if (test < -0.499*unit) { // singularity at south pole
heading = -2 * atan2(qx,qw);
attitude = M_PI/2;
bank = 0;
heading = atan2(2*qy*qw-2*qx*qz , sqx - sqy - sqz + sqw);
attitude = asin(2*test/unit);
bank = atan2(2*qx*qw-2*qy*qz , -sqx + sqy - sqz + sqw);
pitch = heading;
roll = bank;
yaw = attitude;
Serial.print("Roll: ");
Serial.print(roll, 5);
Serial.print("\tPitch: ");
Serial.print(pitch, 5);
Serial.print("\tYaw: ");
Serial.println(yaw, 5);
#endif // PRINT_ANGLES
Serial.print("QW: ");
Serial.print(qw, 5);
Serial.print("\tQX: ");
Serial.print(qx, 5);
Serial.print("\tQY: ");
Serial.print(qy, 5);
Serial.print("\tQZ: ");
Serial.println(qz, 5);
#endif // PRINT_QUAT

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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
int mot_pins[][3] = {
{17, 16, 20},
{19, 18, 21}
// PWM value at which the motors start moving (empirical)
constexpr int base_pwm = 100 ; // Actually starts moving at 70
// Max PWM value
constexpr int max_pwm = 255;
void setup_motors(){
pinMode(mot_pins[0][0], OUTPUT);
pinMode(mot_pins[0][1], OUTPUT);
pinMode(mot_pins[1][0], OUTPUT);
pinMode(mot_pins[1][1], OUTPUT);
Serial.println("Motors up");
double torque_to_pwm_sx(double t){
return 547.323 * t + 50.874;
double torque_to_pwm_dx(double t){
return 684.284 * t + 44.29;
double speed_to_pwm(double speed){
return map(speed, 0, 100, 0, 255);
int sign(auto b){
return b == 0 ? 0 : b > 0 ? 1 : -1;
void move(int mot, double speed){
double pwm = speed_to_pwm(speed);
move_pwm(mot, pwm*sign(speed));
void move_pwm(int mot, int pwm){
if(pwm == 0){
digitalWrite(mot_pins[mot][0], LOW);
digitalWrite(mot_pins[mot][1], LOW);
}else if(pwm < 0){
digitalWrite(mot_pins[mot][0], HIGH);
digitalWrite(mot_pins[mot][1], LOW);
digitalWrite(mot_pins[mot][1], HIGH);
digitalWrite(mot_pins[mot][0], LOW);
analogWrite(mot_pins[mot][2], abs(pwm));
void test_motors(){
while(!Serial) delay(10);
int m = 0;
digitalWrite(mot_pins[m][0], LOW);
digitalWrite(mot_pins[m][1], HIGH);
for(int i = 0; i < 255; i++){
Serial.print("PWM: ");
analogWrite(mot_pins[m][2], i);
digitalWrite(mot_pins[m][0], LOW);
digitalWrite(mot_pins[m][1], LOW);
m = 1-m;
void test_motors_nodeadzone(){
int m = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
Serial.print("Speed: ");
move(m, i);
move(m, 0);
m = 1-m;
void test_motors_rpm(){
while(!Serial) delay(10);
unsigned long tstart = millis();
while(millis() - tstart < 200) {
move(0, 20);
void test_motors_diff(){
move(MOT_SX, 50*MOT_SX_MULT);
move(MOT_DX, 50*MOT_DX_MULT);
void test_motors_torque(int motor, int dir){
Serial.println("Setup, waiting 8 secs");
for(int i = 0; i <= 255; i+= 15){
digitalWrite(mot_pins[motor][1], dir > 0 ? LOW : HIGH);
digitalWrite(mot_pins[motor][0], dir > 0 ? HIGH : LOW);
Serial.print("PWM: ");
analogWrite(mot_pins[motor][2], i);
digitalWrite(mot_pins[motor][0], LOW);
digitalWrite(mot_pins[motor][1], LOW);

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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
#include <ArduPID.h>
#define MOT_DX 0
#define MOT_SX 1
constexpr float MOT_SX_MULT = 1.0;
constexpr float MOT_DX_MULT = 1.0;
ArduPID myController;
// Calculated with matlab, then adjusted by hand
// Decent values?
/*constexpr double KP = 2.5;
constexpr double KI = 0.04;
constexpr double KD = 0.03;*/
// Event better
constexpr double KP = 4;
constexpr double KI = 5;
constexpr double KD = 0.1;
//double setpoint = -0.015;
double setpoint = 0.0;
double output = 0;
double input = 0;
double roll{ 0 }, pitch{ 0 }, yaw{ 0 };
void setup(void) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
// Let the initial error from madgwick filter discharge without affecting the integral term of the PID
unsigned long t = millis();
while (millis() - t < 2000) {
myController.begin(&input, &output, &setpoint, KP, KI, KD, P_ON_E, FORWARD);
myController.setOutputLimits(-0.72, 0.72); // double of max torque motors can exhert
//myController.setWindUpLimits(-0.00001, 0.0001);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
double map_double(double x, double in_min, double in_max, double out_min, double out_max) {
return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
unsigned long t = 0;
double oldpwm = 0;
void loop() {
/*static double oldPitch = 0;
input = 0.5*oldPitch + 0.5*pitch;
oldPitch = pitch;*/
input = pitch;
double torque = abs(output) * 0.5;
double s = sign(output);
double pwm_dx = torque <= 0.005 ? 30*s : torque_to_pwm_dx(torque)*s;
double pwm_sx = torque <= 0.005 ? 30*s : torque_to_pwm_sx(torque)*s;
move_pwm(MOT_SX, pwm_sx);
move_pwm(MOT_DX, pwm_dx);