abbandon correction, linearize around trajectory

try three different approaches, with questionable results
EmaMaker 2024-09-21 11:46:33 +02:00
parent eee95b0059
commit 3a2db64421
5 changed files with 141 additions and 179 deletions

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@ -1,166 +1,134 @@
function [u, ut, uc, U_corr_history, q_pred] = control_act(t, q, sim_data) function [u, ut, q_pred] = control_act(t, q, sim_data)
dc = decouple_matrix(q, sim_data);
ut = utrack(t, q, sim_data);
ut = dc*ut;
[uc, U_corr_history, q_pred] = ucorr(t, q, sim_data);
uc = dc*uc;
u = ut+uc;
% saturation
u = min(sim_data.SATURATION, max(-sim_data.SATURATION, u));
function [u_corr, U_corr_history, q_pred] = ucorr(t, q, sim_data)
pred_hor = sim_data.PREDICTION_HORIZON; pred_hor = sim_data.PREDICTION_HORIZON;
% track only
if eq(pred_hor, 0)
dc = decouple_matrix(q, sim_data);
ut = utrack(t, q, sim_data);
u = dc*ut;
% saturation
u = min(sim_data.SATURATION, max(-sim_data.SATURATION, u));
prob = [];
q_pred = [];
% mpc
tc =; tc =;
u_corr = zeros(2,1);
U_corr_history = zeros(2,1,sim_data.PREDICTION_HORIZON);
q_act = q;
u_track_pred=zeros(2,1, pred_hor);
T_inv_pred=zeros(2,2, pred_hor);
q_pred = [];
if eq(pred_hor, 0)
elseif eq(pred_hor, 1)
T_inv = decouple_matrix(q_act, sim_data);
ut = utrack(t, q_act, sim_data);
TH = T_inv; % prediction
H = 2 * (TH') * [1, 0; 0, 0] * [1, 0; 0, 0] * TH; %T_invs = zeros(2,2, pred_hor);
%H = eye(2); %Qs = zeros(3,1,pred_hor);
f = zeros(2,1); %drefs = zeros(2,1, pred_hor);
A = [T_inv; -T_inv]; %refs = zeros(2,1, pred_hor);
%A = [eye(2); -eye(2)];
d = T_inv*ut; % optim problem
b = [s_-d;s_+d]; prob = optimproblem('ObjectiveSense', 'minimize');
% objective
obj = 0;
% decision vars
ss_ = repmat(s_, [1,1, pred_hor]);
ucorr = optimvar('ucorr', 2, pred_hor,'LowerBound', -ss_, 'UpperBound', ss_);
% state vars
Q = optimvar('state', 3, pred_hor);
% initial conditions
prob.Constraints.evo = Q(:, 1) == q';
% linearization around robot trajectory
% only needs to be calculated once
theta = q(3);
st = sin(theta);
ct = cos(theta);
T_inv = decouple_matrix(q, sim_data);
for k=1:pred_hor
t_ = t + tc * (k-1);
% solve qp problem % reference trajectory and derivative
options = optimoptions('quadprog', 'Display', 'off'); ref_s = double(subs(sim_data.ref, t_));
u_corr = quadprog(H, f, A, b, [],[],[],[],[],options); dref_s = double(subs(sim_data.dref, t_));
q_pred = q_act;
U_corr_history(:,:,1) = u_corr;
%if pred_hor > 1
% move the horizon over 1 step and add trailing zeroes
U_corr_history = cat(3, sim_data.U_corr_history(:,:, 2:end), zeros(2,1));
%disp('start of simulation')
% for each step in the prediction horizon, integrate the system to
% predict its future state
for k = 1:pred_hor
% start from the old (known) state
% compute the inputs, based on the old state
% u_corr is the prediction done at some time in the past, as found in U_corr_history
u_corr_ = U_corr_history(:, :, k);
% u_track can be computed from q
t_ = t + tc * (k-1);
u_track_ = utrack(t_, q_act, sim_data);
T_inv = decouple_matrix(q_act, sim_data);
% compute inputs (v, w)/(wr, wl)
u_ = T_inv * (u_track_ + u_corr_);
% if needed, map (wr, wl) to (v, w) for unicicle
if eq(sim_data.robot, 1)
u_ = diffdrive_to_uni(u_, sim_data);
% integrate unicycle
theta_new = q_act(3) + tc*u_(2);
% compute the state integrating with euler
%x_new = q_act(1) + tc*u_(1) * cos(q_act(3));
%y_new = q_act(2) + tc*u_(1) * sin(q_act(3));
% compute the state integrating via runge-kutta
x_new = q_act(1) + tc*u_(1) * cos(q_act(3) + 0.5*tc*u_(2));
y_new = q_act(2) + tc*u_(1) * sin(q_act(3) + 0.5*tc*u_(2));
q_new = [x_new; y_new; theta_new];
% save history
q_pred = [q_pred; q_new'];
u_track_pred(:,:,k) = u_track_;
T_inv_pred(:,:,k) = T_inv;
% Prepare old state for next iteration
q_act = q_new;
%{ %{
Now setup the qp problem % linearization around trajectory trajectory, hybrid approach
It needs: % theta from reference position and velocity
- Unknowns, u_corr at each timestep. Will be encoded as a vector of if eq(k, 1)
vectors, in which every two elements is a u_j % only for the first step, theta from the current state
i.e. (u_1; u_2; u_3; ...; u_C) = (v_1; w_1; v_2, w_2; v_3, w_3; ... theta = q(3);
; v_C, w_C) else
It is essential that the vector stays a column, so that u'u is the % then linearize around reference trajectory
sum of the squared norms of each u_j % proper way
theta = mod( atan2(dref_s(2), dref_s(1)) + 2*pi, 2*pi);
- Box constraints: a constraint for each timestep in the horizon. % or, derivative using difference. Seem to give the same
Calculated using the predicted state and inputs. They need to be % results
put in matrix (Ax <= b) form %ref_s1 = double(subs(sim_data.ref, t_ + tc));
%theta = atan2(ref_s1(2)-ref_s(2), ref_s1(1)-ref_s(1));
st = sin(theta);
ct = cos(theta);
T_inv = decouple_matrix([ref_s(1); ref_s(2); theta], sim_data);
%} %}
% box constrains
% A becomes sort of block-diagonal
% A will be at most PREDICTION_HORIZON * 2 * 2 (2: size of T_inv; 2:
% accounting for T_inv and -T_inv) by PREDICTION_HORIZON (number of
% vectors in u_corr times the number of elements [2] in each vector)
A_deq = [];
b_deq = [];
H1 = [];
for k=1:pred_hor
T_inv = T_inv_pred(:,:,k);
u_track = u_track_pred(:,:,k);
d = T_inv*u_track;
TH = [1, 0; 0, 0] * T_inv; %{
H1 = blkdiag(H1, TH); % linearization around trajectory trajectory, "correct" approach
theta = mod( atan2(dref_s(2), dref_s(1)) + 2*pi, 2*pi);
st = sin(theta);
ct = cos(theta);
T_inv = decouple_matrix([ref_s(1); ref_s(2); theta], sim_data);
% not at the end of the horizon
if k < pred_hor - 1
if eq(sim_data.robot, 0)
% inputs for unicycle
v = ucorr(1,k);
w = ucorr(2,k);
% inputs for differential drive
v = sim_data.r * (ucorr(1,k) + ucorr(2,k)) / 2;
w = sim_data.r * (ucorr(1,k) - ucorr(2,k)) / sim_data.d;
A_deq = blkdiag(A_deq, [T_inv; -T_inv]); % evolution constraints
b_deq = [b_deq; s_ - d; s_ + d]; c = Q(:, k+1) == Q(:, k) + [v*tc*ct; v*tc*st; w*tc];
prob.Constraints.evo = [prob.Constraints.evo; c];
end end
H = H1'*H1; % objective
% sum of squared norms of u-q^d
%A_deq = kron(eye(pred_hor), [eye(2); -eye(2)]);
%A_deq % feedback + tracking input
%b_deq % cannot use the utrack function, or the current formulation makes
% unknowns % the problem become non linear
err = ref_s - [Q(1, k) + sim_data.b*ct; Q(2, k) + sim_data.b*st ];
% squared norm of u_corr. H must be identity, ut_ = dref_s + sim_data.K*err;
% PREDICTION_HORIZON*size(u_corr) %ut = utrack(t_, Q(k, :), sim_data);
%H = eye(pred_hor*2)*2; qd = T_inv*ut_;
%H = kron(eye(pred_hor), [1,0;0,0]); ud = ucorr(:, k)-qd;
% no linear terms obj = obj + (ud')*ud;
f = zeros(pred_hor*2, 1);
% solve qp problem
options = optimoptions('quadprog', 'Display', 'off');
U_corr = quadprog(H, f, A_deq, b_deq, [],[],[],[],[],options);
%U_corr = lsqnonlin(@(pred_hor) ones(pred_hor, 1), U_corr_history(:,:,1), [], [], A_deq, b_deq, [], []);
% reshape the vector of vectors to be an array, each element being
% u_corr_j as a 2x1 vector
% and add the prediction at t_k+C
U_corr_history = reshape(U_corr, [2,1,pred_hor]);
% first result is what to do now
u_corr=U_corr_history(:,:, 1);
end end
% end linearization around trajectory
prob.Objective = obj;
%disp("to struct")
sol = solve(prob, 'Options',opts);
u = sol.ucorr(:, 1);
q_pred = sol.state';
% ideal tracking for the predicted state
ut = decouple_matrix(q_pred, sim_data)*utrack(t, q_pred, sim_data);
end end
function u_track = utrack(t, q, sim_data) function u_track = utrack(t, q, sim_data)

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@ -20,5 +20,7 @@ switch i
q0 = [0;0;pi/2]; q0 = [0;0;pi/2];
case 9 case 9
q0 = [2.5; 0; pi/2]; q0 = [2.5; 0; pi/2];
case 10
q0 = [0;0;deg2rad(3)];
end end
end end

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ switch i
% a straigth line trajectory at v=0.2m/s % a straigth line trajectory at v=0.2m/s
xref = 0.2*s; xref = 0.2*s;
yref = 0; yref = 0;
case 1 case 1
% a straigth line trajectory at v=0.8m/s % a straigth line trajectory at v=0.8m/s
xref = 0.8*s; xref = 0.8*s;
yref = 0; yref = 0;

View File

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ clear all
close all close all
% options % options
ROBOT = 'diffdrive' ROBOT = 'unicycle'
%TESTS = ["straightline/chill", "straightline/chill_errortheta_pisixths", "straightline/toofast", "straightline/chill_errory", "circle/start_center", "figure8/chill", "figure8/toofast", "square"] %TESTS = ["straightline/chill", "straightline/chill_errortheta_pisixths", "straightline/toofast", "straightline/chill_errory", "circle/start_center", "figure8/chill", "figure8/toofast", "square"]
TESTS = ["circle/start_center"] TESTS = ["straightline/chill", "straightline/chill_errortheta_3deg", "circle/start_center", "figure8/chill", "square"]
% main % main
s_ = size(TESTS); s_ = size(TESTS);
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ for i = 1:length(TESTS)
sim_data.(fn{1}) = test_data.(fn{1}); sim_data.(fn{1}) = test_data.(fn{1});
end end
sim_data.r = 0.06
% set trajectory and starting conditions % set trajectory and starting conditions
sim_data.q0 = set_initial_conditions(sim_data.INITIAL_CONDITIONS); sim_data.q0 = set_initial_conditions(sim_data.INITIAL_CONDITIONS);
[ref dref] = set_trajectory(sim_data.TRAJECTORY, sim_data); [ref dref] = set_trajectory(sim_data.TRAJECTORY, sim_data);
@ -51,6 +50,10 @@ for i = 1:length(TESTS)
for fn = fieldnames(data)' for fn = fieldnames(data)'
sim_data.(fn{1}) = data.(fn{1}); sim_data.(fn{1}) = data.(fn{1});
end end
if sim_data.PREDICTION_HORIZON > 1
% initialize prediction horizon % initialize prediction horizon
sim_data.U_corr_history = zeros(2,1,sim_data.PREDICTION_HORIZON); sim_data.U_corr_history = zeros(2,1,sim_data.PREDICTION_HORIZON);
@ -58,7 +61,7 @@ for i = 1:length(TESTS)
% simulate robot % simulate robot
tic; tic;
[t, q, y, ref_t, U, U_track, U_corr, U_corr_pred_history, Q_pred] = simulate_discr(sim_data); [t, q, y, ref_t, U, U_track, Q_pred] = simulate_discr(sim_data);
toc; toc;
disp('Done') disp('Done')
@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ for i = 1:length(TESTS)
% save simulation data % save simulation data
f1 = [ TEST '/' char(datetime, 'dd-MM-yyyy-HH-mm-ss')]; % windows compatible name f1 = [ TEST '/' char(datetime, 'dd-MM-yyyy-HH-mm-ss')]; % windows compatible name
f = ['results-' ROBOT '-costfun/' f1]; f = ['results-' ROBOT '-costfun2-hybrid/' f1];
mkdir(f) mkdir(f)
% save workspace % save workspace
dsave([f '/workspace_composite.mat']); dsave([f '/workspace_composite.mat']);
@ -79,16 +82,16 @@ for i = 1:length(TESTS)
s1_ = size(worker_index); s1_ = size(worker_index);
for n = 1:s1_(2) for n = 1:s1_(2)
h = [h, figure('Name', [TEST ' ' num2str(n)] )]; h = [h, figure('Name', [TEST ' ' num2str(n)] )];
plot_results(t{n}, q{n}, ref_t{n}, U{n}, U_track{n}, U_corr{n}); plot_results(t{n}, q{n}, ref_t{n}, U{n}, U_track{n}, U_track{n});
end end
% plot correction different between 1-step and multistep % plot correction different between 1-step and multistep
h = [h, figure('Name', 'difference between 1step and multistep')]; h = [h, figure('Name', 'difference between 1step and multistep')];
subplot(2,1,1) subplot(2,1,1)
plot(t{2}, U_corr{2}(:, 1) - U_corr{3}(:, 1)) plot(t{2}, U{2}(:, 1) - U{3}(:, 1))
xlabel('t') xlabel('t')
ylabel(['difference on ' sim_data{1}.input1_name ' between 1-step and multistep']) ylabel(['difference on ' sim_data{1}.input1_name ' between 1-step and multistep'])
subplot(2,1,2) subplot(2,1,2)
plot(t{2}, U_corr{2}(:, 2) - U_corr{3}(:, 2)) plot(t{2}, U{2}(:, 2) - U{3}(:, 2))
xlabel('t') xlabel('t')
ylabel(['difference on ' sim_data{1}.input2_name ' between 1-step and multistep']) ylabel(['difference on ' sim_data{1}.input2_name ' between 1-step and multistep'])
% save figures % save figures
@ -100,37 +103,31 @@ for i = 1:length(TESTS)
end end
% Discrete-time simulation % Discrete-time simulation
function [t, q, y, ref_t, U, U_track, U_corr, U_corr_pred_history, Q_pred] = simulate_discr(sim_data) function [t, q, y, ref_t, U, U_track, Q_pred] = simulate_discr(sim_data)
tc =; tc =;
steps = sim_data.tfin/tc steps = sim_data.tfin/tc
q = sim_data.q0'; q = sim_data.q0';
t = 0; t = 0;
Q_pred = zeros(sim_data.PREDICTION_HORIZON,3,sim_data.tfin/ + 1);
[u_discr, u_track, u_corr, U_corr_history, q_pred] = control_act(t, q, sim_data); Q_pred = zeros(sim_data.PREDICTION_HORIZON,3, steps + 1);
sim_data.U_corr_history = U_corr_history;
[u_discr, u_track, q_pred] = control_act(t(end), q(end, :), sim_data);
U = u_discr'; U = u_discr';
U_corr = u_corr';
U_track = u_track'; U_track = u_track';
Q_pred(:, :, 1) = q_pred; Q_pred(:, :, 1) = q_pred;
y = [];
if eq(sim_data.robot, 0) if eq(sim_data.robot, 0)
fun = @(t, q, u_discr, sim_data) unicycle(t, q, u_discr, sim_data); fun = @(t, q, u_discr, sim_data) unicycle(t, q, u_discr, sim_data);
elseif eq(sim_data.robot, 1) elseif eq(sim_data.robot, 1)
fun = @(t, q, u_discr, sim_data) diffdrive(t, q, u_discr, sim_data); fun = @(t, q, u_discr, sim_data) diffdrive(t, q, u_discr, sim_data);
end end
for n = 1:steps
sim_data.old_u_corr = u_corr;
sim_data.old_u_track = u_track;
sim_data.old_u = u_discr;
for n = 1:steps
tspan = [(n-1)*tc n*tc]; tspan = [(n-1)*tc n*tc];
z0 = q(end, :); z0 = q(end, :);
@ -140,21 +137,16 @@ function [t, q, y, ref_t, U, U_track, U_corr, U_corr_pred_history, Q_pred] = sim
q = [q; z]; q = [q; z];
t = [t; v]; t = [t; v];
[u_discr, u_track, u_corr, U_corr_history, q_pred] = control_act(t(end), q(end, :), sim_data); [u_discr, u_track, q_pred] = control_act(t(end), q(end, :), sim_data);
sim_data.U_corr_history = U_corr_history; U = [U; ones(length(v), 1)*u_discr'];
U = [U; ones(length(v), 1)*u_discr'];
U_corr = [U_corr; ones(length(v), 1)*u_corr'];
U_track = [U_track; ones(length(v), 1)*u_track']; U_track = [U_track; ones(length(v), 1)*u_track'];
Q_pred(:, :, 1+n) = q_pred; Q_pred(:, :, 1+n) = q_pred;
U_corr_pred_history(:,:,n) = permute(U_corr_history, [3, 1, 2]);
y1 = q(:, 1) + sim_data.b * cos(q(:,3));
y2 = q(:, 2) + sim_data.b * sin(q(:,3));
y = [y; [y1, y2]];
end end
y1 = q(:, 1) + sim_data.b * cos(q(:,3));
y2 = q(:, 2) + sim_data.b * sin(q(:,3));
y = [y1, y2];
ref_t = double(subs(sim_data.ref, t'))'; ref_t = double(subs(sim_data.ref, t'))';
end end

Binary file not shown.