tesi: fix output position vector

EmaMaker 2024-09-13 20:24:40 +02:00
parent a9bf86cda8
commit 5eed87f773
1 changed files with 7 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ clear all
close all
% options
ROBOT = 'unicycle'
TESTS = ["straightline/chill", "straightline/chill_errortheta_pisixths", "straightline/toofast", "straightline/chill_errory", "circle/start_center", "figure8/chill", "figure8/toofast", "square"]
%TESTS = ["circle/start_center"]
ROBOT = 'diffdrive'
%TESTS = ["straightline/chill", "straightline/chill_errortheta_pisixths", "straightline/toofast", "straightline/chill_errory", "circle/start_center", "figure8/chill", "figure8/toofast", "square"]
TESTS = ["circle/start_center"]
% main
s_ = size(TESTS);
@ -29,12 +29,13 @@ for i = 1:length(TESTS)
[ref dref] = set_trajectory(sim_data.TRAJECTORY, sim_data);
sim_data.ref = ref;
sim_data.dref = dref;
%sim_data.tfin = 15;
% spawn a new worker for each controller
% 1: track only
% 2: track + 1step
% 3: track + multistep
spmd (3)
spmd (2)
worker_index = spmdIndex;
% load controller-specific options
data = load(['tests/' num2str(worker_index) '.mat']);
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ for i = 1:length(TESTS)
% save simulation data
f1 = [ TEST '/' char(datetime, 'dd-MM-yyyy-HH-mm-ss')]; % windows compatible name
f = ['results-' ROBOT '/' f1];
f = ['results-' ROBOT '-costfun/' f1];
% save workspace
dsave([f '/workspace_composite.mat']);
@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ function [t, q, y, ref_t, U, U_track, U_corr, U_corr_pred_history, Q_pred] = sim
y1 = q(:, 1) + sim_data.b * cos(q(:,3));
y2 = q(:, 2) + sim_data.b * sin(q(:,3));
y = [y; y1, y2];
y = [y; [y1, y2]];
ref_t = double(subs(sim_data.ref, t'))';