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4 changed files with 64 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -30,13 +30,25 @@ function [u_corr, U_corr_history, q_pred] = ucorr(t, q, sim_data)
if eq(pred_hor, 0)
elseif eq(pred_hor, 1)
% minimize wcorr_r^2 + wcorr_l^2
%H = eye(2);
if eq(sim_data.costfun, 1)
% minimize vcorr_r^2 + wcorr_l^2
H = eye(2);
elseif eq(sim_data.costfun, 2)
% ex1: minimize v=r(wr+wl)/2
%H = sim_data.r*sim_data.r*0.5*ones(2,2);
H = sim_data.r*sim_data.r*0.5*ones(2,2);
elseif eq(sim_data.costfun, 3)
% ex2: minimize w=r(wr-wl)/d
H = sim_data.r*sim_data.r*2*[1, -1; -1, 1]/(sim_data.d*sim_data.d);
elseif eq(sim_data.costfun, 4)
rr = sim_data.r*sim_data.r;
dd = sim_data.d*sim_data.d;
bb = sim_data.b*sim_data.b;
H1 = rr*ones(2)/4;
H2 = bb*rr*[1 -1; -1 1]/dd;
H = 2 * (H1 + H2);
f = zeros(2,1);
T_inv = decouple_matrix(q_act, sim_data);
@ -45,8 +57,8 @@ function [u_corr, U_corr_history, q_pred] = ucorr(t, q, sim_data)
d = T_inv*ut;
% solve qp problem
options = optimoptions('quadprog', 'Display', 'off');
u_corr = quadprog(H, f, [], [], [],[], -s_ - d, s_-d, [], options);
options = optimoptions('quadprog', 'Algorithm','active-set','Display','off');
u_corr = quadprog(H, f, [], [], [],[], -s_ - d, s_-d, zeros(2,1), options);
q_pred = q_act;
U_corr_history(:,:,1) = u_corr;
@ -128,15 +140,25 @@ function [u_corr, U_corr_history, q_pred] = ucorr(t, q, sim_data)
ub = [ub; s_-d];
if eq(sim_data.costfun, 1)
% minimize vcorr_r^2 + wcorr_l^2
% squared norm of u_corr. H must be identity,
H = eye(pred_hor*2)*2;
elseif eq(sim_data.costfun, 2)
% ex1: minimize v=r(wr+wl)/2
H = kron(eye(pred_hor), sim_data.r*sim_data.r*0.5*ones(2,2));
elseif eq(sim_data.costfun, 3)
% ex2: minimize w=r(wr-wl)/d
H = kron(eye(pred_hor), sim_data.r*sim_data.r*2*[1, -1; -1, 1]/(sim_data.d*sim_data.d));
% no linear terms
f = zeros(pred_hor*2, 1);
% solve qp problem
options = optimoptions('quadprog', 'Display', 'off');
U_corr = quadprog(H, f, [], [], [],[],lb,ub,[],options);
options = optimoptions('quadprog', 'Algorithm','active-set','Display','off');
U_corr = quadprog(H, f, [], [], [],[], lb, ub, zeros(2*pred_hor,1), options);
% reshape the vector of vectors to be an array, each element being
% u_corr_j as a 2x1 vector
% and add the prediction at t_k+C

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ function tl = plot_trajectory(t, ref, x)
hold on
grid minor
label_interval = 1:1800:length(x);
label_interval = 1:5000:length(x);
labels = strcat(num2str(round(t(label_interval),1)), "s");
%title("Reference trajectory / Robot position", "FontSize", 18)

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@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ for i = 1:length(TESTS)
[ref dref] = set_trajectory(sim_data.TRAJECTORY, sim_data);
sim_data.ref = ref;
sim_data.dref = dref;
% spawn a new worker for each controller
% 1: track only

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@ -5,25 +5,33 @@ disp('Waiting 5s')
s_ = size(PLOT_TESTS)
@ -37,9 +45,9 @@ for i = 1:s_(1)
dir = ['videos-' ROBOT '/', sPLOT_TEST, '/']
close all; pause(2); video(q{1}', ref_t{1}', Q_pred{1}, U_track{1}, U_corr{1}, 0, 0.12, t{1}, 4, sim_data{1}.tc*0.25, "track only");
%close all; pause(2); video(q{1}', ref_t{1}', Q_pred{1}, U_track{1}, U_corr{1}, 0, 0.12, t{1}, 4, sim_data{1}.tc*0.25, "track only");
close all; pause(2); video(q{2}', ref_t{2}', Q_pred{2}, U_track{2}, U_corr{2}, 1, 0.12, t{2}, 4, sim_data{2}.tc*0.25, "track and 1-step");
close all; pause(2); video(q{3}', ref_t{3}', Q_pred{3}, U_track{3}, U_corr{3}, 3, 0.12, t{3}, 4, sim_data{3}.tc*0.25, "track and multistep");
%close all; pause(2); video(q{3}', ref_t{3}', Q_pred{3}, U_track{3}, U_corr{3}, 3, 0.12, t{3}, 4, sim_data{3}.tc*0.25, "track and multistep");
%movefile("*.gif", dir);
movefile("*.avi", dir);