blockpick: avoid blocks being placed diagonally
@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
// Traverse voxel using Amanatides&Woo traversal algorithm
glm::vec3 pos = msg.cameraPos;
glm::vec3 front = msg.cameraFront;
int chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ, blockX, blockY, blockZ, old_blockX, old_blockY, old_blockZ;
Chunk::Chunk* old_chunk = nullptr;
// The ray has equation pos + t*front
// Initialize phase
// Origin integer voxel coordinates
// Avoid floating point accuracy errors: work as close to 0 as possible, translate
// everything later
int basex = std::floor(pos.x);
int basey = std::floor(pos.y);
int basez = std::floor(pos.z);
double x = pos.x - basex;
double y = pos.y - basey;
double z = pos.z - basez;
/*double x = std::floor(pos.x + 0.5d);
double y = std::floor(pos.y + 0.5d);
double z = std::floor(pos.z + 0.5d);
auto sign = [=](double f){ return f > 0 ? 1 : f < 0 ? -1 : 0; };
auto tmax = [=](double p, double dir){
int s = sign(dir);
double b = std::floor(p + 0.5d);
if(s > 0)
return (b + 1 - p) / dir;
else if(s < 0)
return (p - b) / dir;
return 0.0;
// Step
int stepX = sign(front.x);
int stepY = sign(front.y);
int stepZ = sign(front.z);
// tMax: the value of t at which the ray crosses the first voxel boundary
double tMaxX = tmax(x, front.x);
double tMaxY = tmax(y, front.y);
double tMaxZ = tmax(z, front.z);
// tDelta: how far along the ray along they ray (in units of t) for the _ component of such
// a movement to equal the width of a voxel
double tDeltaX = stepX / front.x;
double tDeltaY = stepY / front.y;
double tDeltaZ = stepZ / front.z;
std::cout << "starting blockpick at " << x << "," << y << "," << z << "+(" << basex << "," <<
basey << "," << basez << ") with tMax " << tMaxX
<< "," << tMaxY << "," << tMaxZ << " and delta " << tDeltaX << "," << tDeltaY << "," <<
tDeltaZ << std::endl;
if(tMaxX < tMaxY){
if(tMaxX < tMaxZ) {
x += stepX;
tMaxX += tDeltaX;
z += stepZ;
tMaxZ += tDeltaZ;
if(tMaxY < tMaxZ){
y += stepY;
tMaxY += tDeltaY;
z += stepZ;
tMaxZ += tDeltaZ;
int realx = basex + x;
int realy = basey + y;
int realz = basez + z;
chunkX = realx / CHUNK_SIZE;
chunkY = realy / CHUNK_SIZE;
chunkZ = realz / CHUNK_SIZE;
if(chunkX < 0 || chunkY < 0 || chunkZ < 0 || chunkX > 1023 || chunkY > 1023 || chunkZ >
1023) break;
blockX = realx - chunkX*CHUNK_SIZE;
blockY = realy - chunkY*CHUNK_SIZE;
blockZ = realz - chunkZ*CHUNK_SIZE;
std::cout << blockX << "," << blockY << "," << blockZ << std::endl;
ChunkTable::accessor a;
if(!chunks.find(a, Chunk::calculateIndex(chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ))) break;
Chunk::Chunk* chunk = a->second;
if(!(chunk->isFree() || chunk->getState(Chunk::CHUNK_STATE_GENERATED))) break;
Block block = chunk->getBlock(blockX, blockY, blockZ);
//chunk->setBlock(msg.block, blockX, blockY, blockZ);
//send_chunk_to_meshing_thread(chunk, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
if(block != Block::AIR){
if(msg.msg_type == WorldUpdateMsgType::BLOCKPICK_PLACE){
old_chunk->setBlock(msg.block, old_blockX, old_blockY, old_blockZ);
send_chunk_to_meshing_thread(old_chunk, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
if(chunk != old_chunk) send_chunk_to_meshing_thread(chunk, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action", false);
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_x", (int)x);
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_y", (int)y);
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_z", (int)z);
chunk->setBlock(Block::AIR, blockX, blockY, blockZ);
send_chunk_to_meshing_thread(chunk, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
// When necessary, also mesh nearby chunks
ChunkTable::accessor a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2;
if(blockX == 0 && chunkX - 1 >= 0 && chunks.find(a1, Chunk::calculateIndex(chunkX - 1, chunkY, chunkZ)))
send_chunk_to_meshing_thread(a1->second, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
if(blockY == 0 && chunkY - 1 >= 0 && chunks.find(b1, Chunk::calculateIndex(chunkX, chunkY - 1, chunkZ)))
send_chunk_to_meshing_thread(b1->second, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
if(blockZ == 0 && chunkZ - 1 >= 0 && chunks.find(c1, Chunk::calculateIndex(chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ - 1)))
send_chunk_to_meshing_thread(c1->second, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
if(blockX == CHUNK_SIZE - 1 && chunkX +1 < 1024 && chunks.find(a2, Chunk::calculateIndex(chunkX +1, chunkY, chunkZ)))
send_chunk_to_meshing_thread(a2->second, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
if(blockY == CHUNK_SIZE - 1 && chunkY +1 < 1024 && chunks.find(b2, Chunk::calculateIndex(chunkX, chunkY +1, chunkZ)))
send_chunk_to_meshing_thread(b2->second, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
if(blockZ == CHUNK_SIZE - 1 && chunkZ +1 < 1024 && chunks.find(c2, Chunk::calculateIndex(chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ +1)))
send_chunk_to_meshing_thread(c2->second, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action", false);
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_block_type", (int) (Block::AIR));
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_x", (int)x);
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_y", (int)y);
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_z", (int)z);
old_chunk = chunk;
old_blockX = blockX;
old_blockY = blockY;
old_blockZ = blockZ;
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <thread>
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
#include <glm/gtx/string_cast.hpp>
#include <glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp>
#include <oneapi/tbb/parallel_for.h>
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@
#include "debugwindow.hpp"
#include "globals.hpp"
#include "renderer.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
namespace chunkmanager
@ -281,16 +283,20 @@ namespace chunkmanager
void blockpick(WorldUpdateMsg& msg){
glm::vec3 ray_intersect(glm::vec3 startposition, glm::vec3 startdir){
int old_bx{0}, old_by{0}, old_bz{0};
int old_px{0}, old_py{0}, old_pz{0};
Chunk::Chunk* old_chunk{nullptr};
glm::vec3 old_pos;
// cast a ray from the camera in the direction pointed by the camera itself
glm::vec3 pos = msg.cameraPos;
for(float t = 0.0; t <= 10.0; t += 0.1){
glm::vec3 origin = startposition;
glm::vec3 pos = origin;
glm::vec3 front = startdir;
for(float t = 0.0; t <= 10.0; t += 0.5){
// traverse the ray a block at the time
pos = msg.cameraPos + t*msg.cameraFront;
pos = origin + t*front;
// get which chunk and block the ray is at
int px = ((int)(pos.x))/CHUNK_SIZE;
@ -305,63 +311,19 @@ namespace chunkmanager
// exit early if the position is invalid or the chunk does not exist
if(px < 0 || py < 0 || pz < 0 || px >= 1024 || py >= 1024 || pz >= 1024) continue;
ChunkTable::accessor a;
ChunkTable::const_accessor a;
if(!chunks.find(a, Chunk::calculateIndex(px, py, pz))) continue;
Chunk::Chunk* c = a->second;
if(!c->isFree() || !c->getState(Chunk::CHUNK_STATE_GENERATED)) continue;
if(!c->isFree() || !c->getState(Chunk::CHUNK_STATE_GENERATED)){
Block b = c->getBlock(bx, by, bz);
// if the block is non empty
if(b != Block::AIR){
// if placing a new block
if(msg.msg_type == WorldUpdateMsgType::BLOCKPICK_PLACE){
// place the new block (only stone for now)
if(!old_chunk) break;
old_chunk->setBlock(msg.block, old_bx, old_by, old_bz);
// mark the mesh of the chunk the be updated
send_to_chunk_meshing_thread(old_chunk, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
if(c != old_chunk) send_to_chunk_meshing_thread(c,
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action", true);
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_block_type", (int)(msg.block));
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_x", old_px*CHUNK_SIZE+bx);
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_y", old_py*CHUNK_SIZE+by);
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_z", old_pz*CHUNK_SIZE+bz);
// replace the current block with air to remove it
c->setBlock( Block::AIR, bx, by, bz);
chunks_to_mesh_queue.push(std::make_pair(c, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT));
// When necessary, also mesh nearby chunks
ChunkTable::accessor a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2;
if(bx == 0 && px - 1 >= 0 && chunks.find(a1, Chunk::calculateIndex(px - 1, py, pz)))
if(by == 0 && py - 1 >= 0 && chunks.find(b1, Chunk::calculateIndex(px, py - 1, pz)))
if(bz == 0 && pz - 1 >= 0 && chunks.find(c1, Chunk::calculateIndex(px, py, pz - 1)))
if(bx == CHUNK_SIZE - 1 && px +1 < 1024 && chunks.find(a2, Chunk::calculateIndex(px +1, py, pz)))
if(by == CHUNK_SIZE - 1 && py +1 < 1024 && chunks.find(b2, Chunk::calculateIndex(px, py +1, pz)))
if(bz == CHUNK_SIZE - 1 && pz +1 < 1024 && chunks.find(c2, Chunk::calculateIndex(px, py, pz +1)))
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action", false);
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_block_type", (int) (Block::AIR));
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_x", px*CHUNK_SIZE + bx);
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_y", py*CHUNK_SIZE + by);
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_z", pz*CHUNK_SIZE + bz);
if(b != Block::AIR) return pos;
old_chunk = c;
old_bx = bx;
@ -370,7 +332,170 @@ namespace chunkmanager
old_px = px;
old_py = py;
old_pz = pz;
old_pos = pos;
return glm::vec3(-1);
void blockpick(WorldUpdateMsg& msg){
//std::cout << glm::to_string(ray_intersect(msg.cameraPos, msg.cameraFront)) << std::endl;
glm::vec3 ray_pos = ray_intersect(msg.cameraPos, msg.cameraFront);
if(ray_pos == glm::vec3(-1)) return;
// Chunk in which the blockpick is happening
int chunkx = (int)(ray_pos.x) / CHUNK_SIZE;
int chunky = (int)(ray_pos.y) / CHUNK_SIZE;
int chunkz = (int)(ray_pos.z) / CHUNK_SIZE;
// Block (chunk coord) in which the blockpick is happening
int blockx = ray_pos.x - chunkx*CHUNK_SIZE;
int blocky = ray_pos.y - chunky*CHUNK_SIZE;
int blockz = ray_pos.z - chunkz*CHUNK_SIZE;
// The chunk must exist, otherwise ray_intersect would have returned an error
// Also, the block must be different from AIR
ChunkTable::accessor a;
if(!chunks.find(a, Chunk::calculateIndex(chunkx, chunky, chunkz))) return;
Chunk::Chunk* c = a->second;
if(!(c->isFree() && c->getState(Chunk::CHUNK_STATE_GENERATED))) return;
if(msg.msg_type == WorldUpdateMsgType::BLOCKPICK_BREAK){
c->setBlock(Block::AIR, blockx, blocky, blockz);
send_to_chunk_meshing_thread(c, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
// Traverse voxel using Amanatides&Woo traversal algorithm
glm::vec3 pos = msg.cameraPos;
glm::vec3 front = glm::normalize(pos - ray_pos);
// Original chunk in which the blockpick started
const int ochunkX=chunkx, ochunkY = chunky, ochunkZ = chunkz;
// The ray has equation pos + t*front
// Initialize phase
// Origin integer voxel coordinates
// Avoid floating point accuracy errors: work as close to 0 as possible, translate
// everything later
int basex = std::floor(ray_pos.x);
int basey = std::floor(ray_pos.y);
int basez = std::floor(ray_pos.z);
double x = ray_pos.x - basex;
double y = ray_pos.y - basey;
double z = ray_pos.z - basez;
auto sign = [=](double f){ return f > 0 ? 1 : f < 0 ? -1 : 0; };
auto tmax = [=](double p, double dir){
int s = sign(dir);
if(s > 0)
return (1 - p) / dir;
else if(s < 0)
return -(p) / dir;
return 0.0;
// Step
int stepX = sign(front.x);
int stepY = sign(front.y);
int stepZ = sign(front.z);
// tMax: the value of t at which the ray crosses the first voxel boundary
double tMaxX = tmax(x, front.x);
double tMaxY = tmax(y, front.y);
double tMaxZ = tmax(z, front.z);
// tDelta: how far along the ray along they ray (in units of t) for the _ component of such
// a movement to equal the width of a voxel
double tDeltaX = stepX / front.x;
double tDeltaY = stepY / front.y;
double tDeltaZ = stepZ / front.z;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
if(tMaxX < tMaxY){
if(tMaxX < tMaxZ) {
x += stepX;
tMaxX += tDeltaX;
z += stepZ;
tMaxZ += tDeltaZ;
if(tMaxY < tMaxZ){
y += stepY;
tMaxY += tDeltaY;
z += stepZ;
tMaxZ += tDeltaZ;
int realx = basex + x;
int realy = basey + y;
int realz = basez + z;
chunkx = realx / CHUNK_SIZE;
chunky = realy / CHUNK_SIZE;
chunkz = realz / CHUNK_SIZE;
if(chunkx < 0 || chunky < 0 || chunkz < 0 || chunkx > 1023 || chunky > 1023 ||
chunkz > 1023) continue;
blockx = realx - chunkx*CHUNK_SIZE;
blocky = realy - chunky*CHUNK_SIZE;
blockz = realz - chunkz*CHUNK_SIZE;
Chunk::Chunk* chunk;
ChunkTable::accessor b;
if(chunkx != ochunkX || chunky != ochunkY || chunkz != ochunkZ){
if(!chunks.find(b, Chunk::calculateIndex(chunkx, chunky, chunkz)))
chunk = b->second;
if(!(chunk->isFree() && chunk->getState(Chunk::CHUNK_STATE_GENERATED)))
chunk = c;
if(chunk->getBlock(blockx, blocky, blockz) != Block::AIR) continue;
chunk->setBlock(msg.block, blockx, blocky, blockz);
send_to_chunk_meshing_thread(chunk, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
// Release the chunk in which the blockpick started to avoid locks
// When necessary, also mesh nearby chunks
ChunkTable::accessor a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2;
if(blockx == 0 && chunkx - 1 >= 0 && chunks.find(a1, Chunk::calculateIndex(chunkx - 1, chunky, chunkz)))
send_to_chunk_meshing_thread(a1->second, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
if(blocky == 0 && chunky - 1 >= 0 && chunks.find(b1, Chunk::calculateIndex(chunkx, chunky - 1, chunkz)))
send_to_chunk_meshing_thread(b1->second, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
if(blockz == 0 && chunkz - 1 >= 0 && chunks.find(c1, Chunk::calculateIndex(chunkx, chunky, chunkz - 1)))
send_to_chunk_meshing_thread(c1->second, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
if(blockx == CHUNK_SIZE - 1 && chunkx +1 < 1024 && chunks.find(a2, Chunk::calculateIndex(chunkx +1, chunky, chunkz)))
send_to_chunk_meshing_thread(a2->second, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
if(blocky == CHUNK_SIZE - 1 && chunky +1 < 1024 && chunks.find(b2, Chunk::calculateIndex(chunkx, chunky +1, chunkz)))
send_to_chunk_meshing_thread(b2->second, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
if(blockz == CHUNK_SIZE - 1 && chunkz +1 < 1024 && chunks.find(c2, Chunk::calculateIndex(chunkx, chunky, chunkz +1)))
send_to_chunk_meshing_thread(c2->second, MESHING_PRIORITY_PLAYER_EDIT);
// Update debugging information
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action", msg.msg_type ==
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_block_type", (int)(msg.msg_type ==
WorldUpdateMsgType::BLOCKPICK_PLACE ? msg.block : Block::AIR));
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_x", chunkx*CHUNK_SIZE+blockx);
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_y", chunky*CHUNK_SIZE+blocky);
debug::window::set_parameter("block_last_action_z", chunkz*CHUNK_SIZE+blockz);
Block getBlockAtPos(int x, int y, int z){
Reference in New Issue