269 lines
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Executable File
269 lines
9.0 KiB
Executable File
#include "chunkmesher.hpp"
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include "block.hpp"
#include "chunk.hpp"
#include "chunkmanager.hpp"
#include "globals.hpp"
#include "renderer.hpp"
#include "spacefilling.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
namespace chunkmesher{
oneapi::tbb::concurrent_queue<MeshData*> MeshDataQueue;
oneapi::tbb::concurrent_queue<MeshData*>& getMeshDataQueue(){ return MeshDataQueue; }
void mesh(Chunk::Chunk* chunk)
MeshData* mesh_data;
if(!MeshDataQueue.try_pop(mesh_data)) return;
* Taking inspiration from 0fps and the jme3 porting at
* https://github.com/roboleary/GreedyMesh/blob/master/src/mygame/Main.java
* By carefully re-reading the code and the blog post, I've come to the
* realization that I wrote something very similar yet a lot messier (and
* uglier) back in
* https://github.com/EmaMaker/voxel-engine-jme3/blob/master/src/voxelengine
* /world/Chunk.java
* Reading roboleary's impl. I've learned how to optimize having to loop
* across different planes everytime I change dimension without having to
* write 3 separate 3-nested-for-loops
// Cleanup previous data
mesh_data->numVertices = 0;
mesh_data->chunk = chunk;
// Abort if chunk is empty
chunk->setState(Chunk::CHUNK_STATE_MESHED, true);
// convert tree to array since it is easier to work with it
int length{0};
std::unique_ptr<Block[]> blocks = chunk->getBlocksArray(&length);
if(length == 0) {
chunk->setState(Chunk::CHUNK_STATE_MESHED, true);
int k, l, u, v, w, h, n, j, i;
int x[]{0, 0, 0};
int q[]{0, 0, 0};
int du[]{0, 0, 0};
int dv[]{0, 0, 0};
std::array<Block, CHUNK_SIZE * CHUNK_SIZE> mask;
for (bool backFace = true, b = false; b != backFace; backFace = backFace && b, b = !b)
// iterate over 3 dimensions
for (int dim = 0; dim < 3; dim++)
// offsets of other 2 axes
u = (dim + 1) % 3;
v = (dim + 2) % 3;
x[0] = 0;
x[1] = 0;
x[2] = 0;
q[0] = 0;
q[1] = 0;
q[2] = 0;
q[dim] = 1; // easily mark which dimension we are comparing
// voxels
// on
for (x[dim] = -1; x[dim] < CHUNK_SIZE;)
n = 0;
for (x[v] = 0; x[v] < CHUNK_SIZE; x[v]++)
for (x[u] = 0; x[u] < CHUNK_SIZE; x[u]++)
Block b1, b2;
if(x[dim] >= 0) b1 = blocks[HILBERT_XYZ_ENCODE[x[0]][x[1]][x[2]]];
int cx = chunk->getPosition().x*CHUNK_SIZE;
int cy = chunk->getPosition().y*CHUNK_SIZE;
int cz = chunk->getPosition().z*CHUNK_SIZE;
int bx = cx+x[0];
int by = cy+x[1];
int bz = cz+x[2];
b1 = chunkmanager::getBlockAtPos(bx, by, bz);
if(x[dim] < CHUNK_SIZE - 1) b2 = blocks[HILBERT_XYZ_ENCODE[x[0] + q[0]][x[1]
+ q[1]][x[2] + q[2]]];
int cx = chunk->getPosition().x*CHUNK_SIZE;
int cy = chunk->getPosition().y*CHUNK_SIZE;
int cz = chunk->getPosition().z*CHUNK_SIZE;
int bx = cx+x[0] + q[0];
int by = cy+x[1] + q[1];
int bz = cz+x[2] + q[2];
b2 = chunkmanager::getBlockAtPos(bx, by, bz);
// Compute the mask
// Checking if b1==b2 is needed to generate a single quad
// The else case provides face culling for adjacent solid faces
// Checking for NULLBLK avoids creating empty faces if nearby chunk was not
// yet generated
mask[n++] = b1 == b2 ? Block::NULLBLK
: backFace ? b1 == Block::NULLBLK || b1 == Block::AIR ? b2 : Block::NULLBLK
: b2 == Block::NULLBLK || b2 == Block::AIR ? b1 : Block::NULLBLK;
n = 0;
// Actually generate the mesh from the mask. This is the same thing I used in my old crappy voxel engine
for (j = 0; j < CHUNK_SIZE; j++)
for (i = 0; i < CHUNK_SIZE;)
if (mask[n] != Block::NULLBLK)
// First compute the width
for (w = 1; i + w < CHUNK_SIZE && mask[n + w] != Block::NULLBLK && mask[n] == mask[n + w]; w++)
bool done = false;
for (h = 1; j + h < CHUNK_SIZE; h++)
for (k = 0; k < w; k++)
if (mask[n + k + h * CHUNK_SIZE] == Block::NULLBLK || mask[n + k + h * CHUNK_SIZE] != mask[n])
done = true;
if (done)
if (mask[n] != Block::AIR)
x[u] = i;
x[v] = j;
du[0] = 0;
du[1] = 0;
du[2] = 0;
du[u] = w;
dv[0] = 0;
dv[1] = 0;
dv[2] = 0;
dv[v] = h;
// bottom left
mesh_data->vertices.push_back(x[0]); //bottomLeft.x
mesh_data->vertices.push_back(x[1]); //bottomLeft.y
mesh_data->vertices.push_back(x[2]); //bottomLeft.z
// extents, use normals for now
mesh_data->extents.push_back(du[0] + dv[0]);
mesh_data->extents.push_back(du[1] + dv[1]);
mesh_data->extents.push_back(du[2] + dv[2]);
mesh_data->texinfo.push_back(backFace ? 0.0 : 1.0);
mesh_data->texinfo.push_back((int)(mask[n]) - 2);
for (l = 0; l < h; ++l)
for (k = 0; k < w; ++k)
mask[n + k + l * CHUNK_SIZE] = Block::NULLBLK;
* And then finally increment the counters and
* continue
i += w;
n += w;
chunk->setState(Chunk::CHUNK_STATE_MESHED, true);
void sendtogpu(MeshData* mesh_data)
if (mesh_data->numVertices > 0)
if(mesh_data->chunk->VAO == 0) mesh_data->chunk->createBuffers();
// bind the Vertex Array Object first, then bind and set vertex buffer(s), and then configure vertex attributes(s).
// position attribute
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh_data->chunk->VBO);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh_data->vertices.size() * sizeof(GLfloat), &(mesh_data->vertices[0]), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 3 * sizeof(float), (void *)0);
// normal attribute
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh_data->chunk->extentsBuffer);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh_data->extents.size() * sizeof(GLfloat), &(mesh_data->extents[0]), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
glVertexAttribPointer(1, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 3 * sizeof(float), (void *)(0));
// texcoords attribute
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh_data->chunk->texinfoBuffer);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh_data->texinfo.size() * sizeof(GLfloat), &(mesh_data->texinfo[0]), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
glVertexAttribPointer(2, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 2 * sizeof(float), (void *)0);
// save the number of indices of the mesh, it is needed later for drawing
mesh_data->chunk->numVertices = (GLuint)(mesh_data->numVertices);
// once data has been sent to the GPU, it can be cleared from system RAM
// mark the chunk mesh has loaded on GPU
mesh_data->chunk->setState(Chunk::CHUNK_STATE_MESH_LOADED, true);